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The 2-transistor Black regulator

App a01; +5v output, good regulation


  • 82% efficiency (from 60mA to 200mA out)
  • Very good 5v regulation
  • Cheap circuit
  • Input: 10v to 18v
  • Output: 5v @ 350mA

    The Circuit

    +14v -------*-----------------*--------,
                |                 |        |  Q1
                |        470 ohm  R1       |  PNP
                |                 |        E  BC327
          4k7   RZ                *------B
                |                 |        C
                |                 |        |          (measured:)
                |            2k7  R2       |   2.2mH  (1960uH, 2.4 dc ohms)
                |                 |        |
                |      NPN BC337  |        *----L1-------*------ +5v out
                |                 C  Q2    |             |
                *----*----*-----B          |             |
                |    |    |       E--------|-------------*
                |    |    |                |             |
                |    |    |                |             |
                |    |    '------C2--------*             |
         zener  |    |           2nF       |             | 47uF
          ZD1   -    |                     -             C 16v
         5.6v   ^    C1                    ^ D1  1A      |
        400mW   |    |                     | schottky    |
                |    | 6.8nF               | 1N5819      |
                |    |                     |             |
    Gnd --------*----*---------------------*-------------*------ Gnd
    (these are the actual parts values as used in the test, as
    well as a 100uF cap on the power input)


    Test Data
       V in   I in     P in     V out    I out    P out    Freq    I gain    Eff (%)
       14v      2.2mA  0.0308w   5.00v     0.3mA  0.0015w    dc!     0.14      4.9%
       14       5.1    0.0714    4.97      5.1    0.0253     78kHz   1.00     35.5
       14      12.4    0.1736    4.95      25     0.1238     44      2.02     71.3
       14      22.4    0.3136    4.95      50     0.2475     44      2.23     78.9
       14      32.4    0.4536    4.95      75     0.3713     43      2.31     81.8
       14      42.9    0.6006    4.94      100    0.4940     43      2.33     82.3
       14      53.4    0.7476    4.94      125    0.6175     43      2.34     82.6
       14      64.4    0.9016    4.94      150    0.7410     43      2.33     82.2
       14      75.8    1.0612    4.94      175    0.8645     42      2.31     81.5
       14      87.4    1.2236    4.93      200    0.9860     42      2.29     80.6
       14      112.2   1.5708    4.93      250    1.2325     41      2.23     78.5
       14      142.4   1.9936    4.93      300    1.4790     40      2.11     74.2
       14      172.9   2.4206    4.91      350    1.7185     40      2.02     71.0


    Regulation droop between 25mA and 175mA is only 0.02v! The powerband is big and flat with good efficiencies from 25mA to 250mA. Decreasing RZ caused better load regulation, but cost a few percent efficiency.

    Parts List

    Transistor	Q1	TO92		BC327		10c
    Transistor	Q2	TO92		BC337		7c
    Inductor	L1	2.4ohm		2200uH		50c
    Schottky Diode	D1	1A		1N5819		20c
    Zener Diode	Z1	400mW		5.6v		6c
    Capacitor	C1	polyester	2nF		5c
    Capacitor	C2	polyester	6.8nF		5c
    Capacitor	CL	16v electro	47uF		6c
    Capacitor	CS	25v electro	47uF		6c
    Resistor	RZ	1/4w		4k7		2c
    Resistor	R1	1/4w		470 ohms	2c
    Resistor	R2	1/4w		2k7		2c
    TOTAL						    $1.21 AUD
    				 (in US dollars:    $0.67 USD )

    - end -

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