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The 2-transistor Black regulator

App a03; +12v output, high efficiency


  • 92% efficiency (from 120mA to 400mA out)
  • Excellent powerband, (from 30mA to 500mA)
  • Very cheap circuit (under 75c cents in parts)
  • Good 12.5v regulation
  • Input: 22v to 30v
  • Output: 12.5v @ 700mA maximum

    This can be used as a 24v to 12v DC-DC converter, suitable to run 12v equipment from a 24v battery system. The input voltage I chose for testing was 26v, this is a typical running voltage for a 24v battery system.

    The Circuit

    +26v -------*-----------------*--------,
                |                 |        |  Q1
                |            1k   R1       |  PNP
                |                 |        E  BC327
          15k   RZ                *------B
                |                 |        C
                |                 |        |          (measured:)
                |            2k7  R2       |   470uH  (460uH, 0.7 dc ohms)
      |         |                 |        |
     100uF      |      NPN BC337  |        *----L1-------*------ +12.5v out
     63v        |                 C  Q2    |             |
      |         *----*----*-----B          |             |
                |    |    |       E--------|-------------*
                |    |    |                |             |
                |    |    |                |             |
                |    |    '------C2--------*             |
         zener  |    |          470pF      |             | 100uF
          ZD1   -    |                     -             C  25v
        13.0v   ^    C1                    ^ D1  1A      |
        400mW   |    |                     | schottky    |
                |    | 4.7nF               | 1N5819      |
                |    |                     |             |
    Gnd --------*----*---------------------*-------------*------ Gnd
    (these are the actual parts values as used in the test,
    note the 100uF cap on the power input)


    Test Data
       V in   I in     P in     V out    I out    P out    Freq    I gain    Eff (%)
       26v      1.5mA  0.0390w   12.48v    0.8mA  0.0100w   chaos    0.53     25.6%
       26       2.4    0.0624    12.48     2.4    0.0300    chaos    1.00     48.0
       26       6.7    0.1742    12.49     10     0.1249     205     1.49     71.7
       26      12.3    0.3198    12.47     20     0.2494     165     1.63     78.0
       26      17.7    0.4602    12.46     30     0.3738     135     1.69     81.2
       26      22.7    0.5902    12.45     40     0.4980     115     1.76     84.4
       26      27.8    0.7228    12.44     50     0.6220     99      1.80     86.1
       26      33.3    0.8658    12.42     60     0.7452     89      1.80     86.1
       26      38.3    0.9958    12.41     70     0.8687     80      1.83     87.2
       26      43.4    1.1284    12.41     80     0.9928     73      1.84     88.0
       26      48.3    1.2558    12.40     90     1.1160     67      1.86     88.9
       26      52.6    1.3676    12.40     100    1.2400     61      1.90     90.7
       26      63.0    1.6380    12.38     120    1.4856     53      1.90     90.7
       26      73.0    1.8980    12.37     140    1.7318     48      1.92     91.2
       26      82.7    2.1502    12.35     160    1.9760     43      1.93     91.9
       26      92.4    2.4024    12.35     180    2.2230     43      1.95     92.5
       26      102.0   2.6520    12.35     200    2.4700     43      1.96     93.1  !!
       26      128.0   3.3280    12.34     250    3.0850     42      1.95     92.7  !!
       26      154.7   4.0222    12.34     300    3.7020     42      1.94     92.0
       26      182.0   4.7320    12.34     350    4.3190     42      1.92     91.3
       26      208.0   5.4080    12.34     400    4.9360     42      1.92     91.3
       26      235.0   6.1100    12.34     450    5.5530     42      1.91     90.9
       26      263.0   6.8380    12.34     500    6.1700     42      1.90     90.2
       26      292.0   7.5920    12.34     550    6.7870     42      1.88     89.4
       26      320.0   8.3200    12.34     600    7.4040     42      1.88     89.0
       26      350.0   9.1000    12.34     650    8.0210     42      1.86     88.1
       26      380.0   9.8800    12.34     700    8.6380     42      1.84     87.4

    Parts List

    Transistor	Q1	TO92		BC327		10c
    Transistor	Q2	TO92		BC337		7c
    Inductor	L1	0.7ohm		470uH		50c
    Schottky Diode	D1	1A		1N5819		20c
    Zener Diode	Z1	400mW		13.0v		6c
    Capacitor	C1	ceramic		470pF		5c
    Capacitor	C2	polyester	4.7nF		5c
    Capacitor	CL	25v electro	100uF		10c
    Capacitor	CS	63v electro	100uF		15c
    Resistor	RZ	1/4w		15k		2c
    Resistor	R1	1/4w		1k		2c
    Resistor	R2	1/4w		2k7		2c
    TOTAL						    $1.34 AUD
    				 (in US dollars:    $0.74 USD )


    This version of the Black regulator can be used as a high efficiency 24v to 12v converter.

    Warning! If using this in a running vehicle, you will need to add a filter of some type to the input. You can use a commercial 24v filter sold for auto use, or use the filter circuit below. The Zener is optional, and recommended. A 500mA fuse on the input is also recommended.
    +26v ----R---*------*------*---- to input of circuit
        3.3 ohm  |      |      |
                 |      |      |
         1000uF  |  0.1 |      | 
                 Ca     Cb     Zener
                 |      |      |  35v 3W
                 |      |      |
                 |      |      |
                 |      |      |
    Gnd ---------*------*------*----- to gnd of circuit

    - end -

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